13th International Workshop on Expressiveness in Concurrency

Event Detail

General Information
Saturday, August 26, 2006 - Saturday, August 26, 2006
Days of Week:
Target Audience:
Academic and Practice
Bonn, Germany
Event Details/Other Comments:

The EXPRESS workshops aim at bringing together researchers interested in the relations between various formal systems, particularly in the field of Concurrency. More specifically, they focus on the comparison between programming concepts (such as concurrent, functional, imperative, logic and object-oriented programming) and between mathematical models of computation (such as process algebras, Petri nets, event structures, modal logics, rewrite systems etc.) on the basis of their relative expressive power.
Submissions may be of two forms:
- Short papers (not included in the proceedings):
up to 4 pages, typeset 11 points
- Full papers: up to 12 pages, typeset 11 points
(excluding bibliography and technical appendices)
Simultaneous submission to other conferences or journals is only allowed for short papers. Submissions may already use the ENTCS-style format.
The proceedings will be published after the workshop in the ENTCS (Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science).
A printed preliminary version of the proceedings will be available at the workshop. Authors will be asked to prepare their final version using the ENTCS-style format.
We shall seek to arrange a special issue of a leading journal if the quality and quantity of submissions warrants this. If such a special issue is arranged then authors of selected papers will be invited after the workshop to submit a full version; those submissions will then be subject to a separate reviewing procedure matching the standards of the journal.