The 14th International Conference on the Discrete Simulation of Fluid Dynamics and Complex Systems (DSFD2005) will be held on August 22-26,
2005 in Kyoto, Japan. Topics covered at the DSFD series of meetings include lattice-gas automata, the lattice Boltzmann equation, dissipative particle dynamics, smoothed-particle hydrodynamics, direct simulation Monte Carlo, stochastic rotation dynamics, molecular dynamics, and hybrid methods. There will be sessions on advances in both theory and computation, on engineering applications of discrete fluid algorithms, and on fundamental issues in statistical mechanics, kinetic theory, and hydrodynamics. For more information about the conference, please refer to the web page:
Researchers interested in presenting at the meeting are asked to send a one-page abstract by e-mail to:
[email protected]
by May 15, 2005. Questions about the meeting may also be sent to this address. We look forward to seeing you in Kyoto in August.