The 2005 World Congress in Applied Computing is composed of the following 14 conferences (all will be held simultaneously, same location and dates June 20-23, 2005, Las Vegas, USA):
1. The 2005 International Conference on Grid Computing
and Applications (GCA'05)
2. The 2005 International Conference on e-Business,
Enterprise Information Systems, e-Government, and
Outsourcing (EEE'05)
3. The 2005 International Conference on Biometric
Authentication (BIOAU'05)
4. The 2005 International Conference on Computers for
People with Special Needs (CPSN'05)
5. The 2005 International Conference on Data Mining
6. The 2005 International Conference on Human-Computer
Interaction (HCI'05)
7. The 2005 International Conference on Computer Vision
8. The 2005 International Conference on Scientific
Computing (CSC'05)
9. The 2005 International Conference on Information and
Knowledge Engineering (IKE'05)
10. The 2005 International Conference on Security and
Management (SAM'05)
11. The 2005 International Conference on Mathematics and
Engineering Techniques in Medicine and Biological
Sciences (METMBS'05)
12. The 2005 International Conference on Algorithmic
Mathematics and Computer Science (AMCS'05)
13. The 2005 International Conference on Data Fusion -
From Multi-Source Data to Information (FUS'05)
14. The 2005 International Conference on Frontiers in
Education: Computer Science and Computer Engineering