All search results for . 13931-13940 of 20148 results.
Community-Based Operations Research
...In the December 2007 edition of OR/MS Today, INFORMS President-elect Cynthia ...
Remembering Jerry Leiberman
...Editor's note...
Putting on a New Face
...I am often struck by the differing speeds at which progress at INFORMS Online ...
The Young (Professor) and the Restless (MBAs)
...As a freshly minted Ph.D., I have been somewhat thrown to the wolves known as ...
Was It Something I Said
...In graduate school, we spent a lot of time sitting around trying to avoid ...
In Case of Emergency
...A catastrophic health event, such as a terrorist attack with a biological agent...
The Mechanic's Parable
...The OR/MS analyst fidgeted as he looked over the bill for repairs to his car. ...
New Frontiers in Simulation
...We use simulation to realize our imagination in a specific and detailed way �� ...
Publish and Flourish
...The teaching, research and practice of OR/MS is not amenable to traditional oral...
It's a Wonderful Profession
...People travel to wonder at the height of the mountains, at the huge waves of the...