Search Results

All search results for . 141-150 of 19483 results.

Koopman, Bernard

Roles and Responsibilities of MSOM Reviewers
...Reviewers (or referees) are the foundation of its peer-review process. &...

Ernst, Martin L.

Making Better Fulfillment Decisions on the Fly in an Online Retail Environment
...Relative to brick-and-mortar retailers, online retailers can offer to their ...

Syngenta Wins 2015 INFORMS Edelman Prize
...HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA, April 14, 2015 - Syngenta, which used analytics and ...

The Past, Present, and Future of M&SOM
...As the fifth editor of M&SOM, I am grateful to all previous EICs (Leroy...

Lode Li

Matthew J. Sobel

U. S. Air Force

Chevron Named INFORMS Prize Winner, Best Analytics & O.R. Company of the Year
...HUNTINGTON BEACH, CA, April 14, 2015 - The Institute for Operations Research and...