All search results for . 15241-15250 of 20140 results.
How Will We Teach in the Future?
...I worry about not being able to connect with my students at all in the not-too-...
A Society of Learners
...Think of it. Ten years ago most of us had not visited the World Wide Web! Now we...
'Crafty' Approach to Work, Play, Life
...Everywhere I look �� and I look in some odd places �� everyone is working on (...
Strengthening Supply Chains
...A great deal of literature promotes the virtues of global sourcing and ...
Agent-Based Simulation Comes of Age
...Agent-based simulation is establishing itself as a serious, useful area of study...
Keeping Nuclear Bombs Away
...HANOVER, MD, June 24, 2009 ��� A two-tiered scanning-protocol for inspecting all...
Forecasting at Steady State? - TABLE
Amateur Operations Research
...We need more operations researchers; there are far too many issues and problems ...
Analytica 4.1
...quot;The purpose of computing is insight, not numbers."...
Patrick Jaillet