All search results for . 15391-15400 of 20140 results.
Achievements and Accolades
...George Bernard Dantzig, professor emeritus, Department of Management Science and...
Frame, Formulate and Solve
...Operations research. It's a wonderful subject to teach, to do, to research. It ...
The Congressman's Parable
...The O.R. analyst had finally surmounted his most recent technical challenge, but...
My Time with the Great GBD
...The King is dead. George B. Dantzig is with us no more. And though we rejoice ...
'Dantzig' the Optimality Jig
...To the Editor...
Practice Makes Perfect O.R.
...Practice makes perfect! It's a well-known phrase. In my mind, practice makes the...
New Books
...This volume provides the state of the art in theory and algorithms for the ...
Pulp Fact, Not Fiction
...The forest industry is a very important sector in Sweden, a country with only 9 ...
Operations Research Loses a Pillar of the Profession
...Editor's Note...
Sobering Thought: Can IP Solve Liquor Store Scheduling Woes?
...The SAQ (in French, Soci��t�� des alcools du Qu��bec) is a public corporation of...