All search results for . 17881-17890 of 20129 results.
INFORMS News: Essential practice skills workshop
...Patrick Noonan, a former management consultant, business owner and college ...
INFORMS News: INFORMS International Conference set for Taipei on June 17-20
...Taipei is the political, economic, educational and cultural center of Taiwan. ...
International Meeting Proceedings
...2018 INFORMS International ConferenceA Better World Through O.R., Analytics, and...
UPS Smith Prize Presentations
Inside Story
...Peter Horner, editorpeter.horner@mail.informs.orgAnyone with a conscience ...
Advertising to early trend propogators
Issues in Education
...By Vijay MehrotraIn my recent MBA elective course on data mining, I assigned my ...
Randall Davis
Imitation is the most sincere form of flattery, unless you are an app developer