All search results for . 17971-17980 of 20129 results.
Management Science: Accounting Department
...Dear Colleagues,At the beginning of the summer, Shiva Rajgopal, one of the two ...
Elliott Weiss
Vehicle Routing Software Survey
...The information in the survey that follows was provided by the vendors in ...
It’s not you, it’s me: How customers break up with sellers
...Key Takeaway: Whether we as customers decide to call it quits overtly, or we ...
How to keep computers our of landfills and recyclers out of prison
Can an algorithm take the guesswork out of selecting and seeding teams for “March Madness?” A new study says, “Yes!”
...New selection process helps NCAA selection committee kick bias to the curb ...
STEM takes center stage at FAMU
A Billion Dollar Question: Where to Deploy Resources During an Emerging Outbreak
...Throughout history, infectious diseases���those transmitted from human to human ...
Re: Improving Productivity and Energy Utilizati...