All search results for . 18171-18180 of 20129 results.
Zhiqiang Eric Zheng
Yong Sheng Soh
Monetizing Bayesian Networks
...Presented by Alex Cosmas, Booz Allen Hamilton...
Informs News: People
...Ed KaplanEd Kaplan, past president of INFORMS, received a personal letter of ...
Imposing Domain Expertise on Algorithmic Learning to Construct Highly Predictive...
...Imposing Domain Expertise on Algorithmic Learning to Construct Highly Predictive...
Industry News
...Entries sought for AIMMS/MOPTA Optimization CompetitionAIMMS recently announced ...
Pricing and Product Design in a Data-Driven Economy
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...
...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe OR/MS analyst had decided to branch out...
Computational Disaster Management
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting Minneapolis...
Healthcare Analytics
...2013 INFORMS Annual Meeting MinneapolisPlenaries and Keynotes...