All search results for . 18251-18260 of 20185 results.
Future Directions in Applied Mathematics
...On the occasion of the 60th birthday of Jean-Claude Nedelec, a conference...
Scheduling in Computer and Manufacturing Systems
DIMACS Workshop on Geometric Optimization
Transportation and Logistics - Bridging the Gap between Modelling Traditions
Typical Case Complexity and Phase Transition
...Typical-case complexity refers to algorithmic complexity that...
Digital Transformations. ICT's Impact on Productivity: Economies, Industries, and Firms.
...The conference forms part of a grant we received at London Business...
INFORMS Summer Workshop on Teaching Management Science
...The objectives of the workshop are to improve the teaching effectiveness of the ...
6th Workshop on Advances in Parallel and Distributed Computational Models
...The main goal of this workshop is to provide a timely...
Advances and Challenges in Time-Integration of PDEs (2003 AFOSR Workshop)
...As methods for spatially representing solutions to partial...
European Conference on Management, Leadership and Governance related to Information Systems
...The Conference offers an opportunity for scholars and practitioners interested ...