Search Results

All search results for . 1981-1990 of 19484 results.

INFORMS NEWS: A Twitter recap of INFORMS 2015
...By Chris Marks and Tauhid Zaman...

INFORMS NEWS: Dantzig Dissertation Award
...Dantzig Dissertation Award winner Alexandre Jacquillat (l) receives ...

INFORMS News: Levis earns INFORMS President’s Award
...Presidents Award winner Jack Levis (l) with INFORMS President Robin Keller....

INFORMS NEWS: Levis, Robinson receive Kimball Medals
...Kimball Medal winners Anne Robinson and Jack Levis with INFORMS President Robin ...

INFORMS NEWS: Conforti, Cornuéjols, Zambelli share Lanchester Prize
...Committee Chair David Shmoys (far left) and INFORMS President Robin Keller (far ...

Xiaoshan Peng

Ruoyu Sun

INFORMS NEWS: Saul Gass Expository Writing Award
...Committee Chair Rob Shumsky (l) presents Saul Gass Expository Writing Award to ...

INFORMS NEWS: Chvátal, Lasserre earn von Neumann Prize
...Committee Chair George Nemhauser (l) and INFORMS President Robin Keller (r) ...

Analytics in Online Flash Sales: Demand Forecasting and Price Optimization
...Rue La La is in the online fashion sample sales industry, where they offer ...