Search Results

All search results for . 2681-2690 of 19484 results.

Behavioral Mechanisms Towards Badges: The Small-Area Hypothesis
...In a natural experiment on a popular German Question & Answer community we ...

Informs News: People
...Ed KaplanEd Kaplan, past president of INFORMS, received a personal letter of ...

Beyond Adoption: Does Meaningful Use of EHR Improve Quality of Care?
...Beyond Adoption: Does Meaningful Use of EHR Improve Quality of Care?The federal ...

Industry News
...Entries sought for AIMMS/MOPTA Optimization CompetitionAIMMS recently announced ...

Predictive Analytics for Chronic Care
...Predictive Analytics for Chronic Care: A Time-to-Event Modeling Framework using ...

...Doug Samuelsonsamuelsondoug@yahoo.comThe OR/MS analyst had decided to branch out...

An Analysis of Incentive Structures in Collaborative Economy
...An Analysis of Incentive Structures in Collaborative Economy: an Application to ...

Proactive Customer Education, Customer Retention, and Demand for Technology Support
...Proactive Customer Education, Customer Retention, and Demand for Technology ...

Meaningful Healthcare Security
...Meaningful Healthcare Security: Does Meaningful-Use Attestation Improve ...

Putting Big Data To Work
...Presented by Bill Franks, TeradataBig data is everywhere. You cant avoid ...