All search results for . 3331-3340 of 20197 results.
Computational Modelling in Medicine
...Held under the auspices of the International Centre for...
Genetic and Evolutionary Computation COnference (GECCO 2005)
Digital Transformations. ICT's Impact on Productivity: Economies, Industries, and Firms.
...The conference forms part of a grant we received at London Business...
Numerical Linear Algebra and It's Applications
...This year, the emphasis of the school is on "Numerical Linear Algebra and...
6me congrs de la Societe Franaise de Recherche Operationnelle et d'Aide la Decision (ROADEF'05)
INFORMS Summer Workshop on Teaching Management Science
...The objectives of the workshop are to improve the teaching effectiveness of the ...
7th International Conference on Artificial Evolution (EA'05)
6th Int'l Workshop on Computer Algebra in Scientific Computing
...The methods of Scientific Computing play an important role in research...
International Mass Customization Meeting (IMCM'05): Concepts ' Tools ' Realization
...The main objective of IMCM'05 is to drive forward the research on mass ...