Search Results

All search results for . 3411-3420 of 19494 results.

Kathryn Moretti

Amol Joshi

INFORMS News: Rogers earns INFORMS Prize for Teaching of OR/MS Practice
...The 2012 INFORMS Prize for the Teaching of OR/MS Practice was presented to ...

Tomasz Obloj

Erin Reid

INFORMS News: Albin, Kleinmuntz receive Kimball Medals
...Susan Albin and Don Kleinmuntz, both former presidents of INFORMS and long-time ...

Adina Sterling

INFORMS News: Nemhauser, Wolsey earn von Neumann Theory Prize
...The 2012 John von Neumann Theory Prize of INFORMS was awarded to George ...

Marlys K. Christianson

INFORMS News: Paul wins Undergraduate O.R. Prize
...Alice Paul of Harvey Mudd College won the 2012 INFORMS Undergraduate Operations ...