All search results for . 4501-4510 of 20202 results.
New Books
...Modeling, Control and Optimization of Complex Systems...
A Passion for Publications
...INFORMS President-Elect Mark Daskin, who takes over the presidential reins on ...
Developing Social Capital Online
...In the April 2002 issue of OR/MS Today, referring to Putnam's "Bowling ...
Teaching O.R. Modeling
...When I'm asked what the most important O.R. skill is for the majority of our ...
Institute of Industrial Engineers Annual Conference and Expo 09
...Industry managers, top-notch researchers and outstanding educators reveal ...
XIV Escuela Latinoamericana de Verano de Investigacion de Operaciones (ELAVIO 2009)
International Multiconferenc on Computer Science and Information Technology (IMCSIT 2009)
'Gaming' Reality
...Overlay chart from Decisioneering's Crystal Ball 7, an Excel-based simulation ...
Time to Celebrate
...The logo says we're "celebrating 50 years of operations research," but...
Maple 10 and the Global Optimization Toolbox