All search results for . 461-470 of 20181 results.
Agriculture Analytics: Optimizing crop management
...Smart��� application of fertilizer illustrates payoff in using analytical tools ...
INFORMS Distinguished Fellow Award presented to University of Washington professor
Founder of leading software company received INFORMS Impact Prize
Inaugural volunteer service award presented during INFORMS Annual Meeting
UNCW to offer Business Analytics degrees
P-value Primer: P ∈ OR (P-values in operations research) …M N O P Q R S T…
...You don���t need a license to download R, but you should have a good ...
E-commerce platforms should focus on sellers, not buyers
INFORMS John von Neumann Theory Prize awarded to UCSD professor
Want to Increase Donations? Choose Your Words Carefully.
INFORMS presents Penn State grad student with two awards at Annual Meeting