All search results for . 4761-4770 of 20201 results.
Student Paper Award
...The student paper contest is intended to stimulate interest in OR/MS ...
Quality of Journals Difficult to Measure
...To the Editor: I was interested to read ManMohan Sodhi's article in the April ...
Passion and Fun in the Classroom!
...When I started my term as editor of the "Issues in Education" column, ...
Fighting Flight Delays
...British Airways (BA) is a major international airline, operating 750 flights per...
Outstanding Simulation Publication Award
...To recognize outstanding contributions to the simulation literature, the INFORMS...
Liquidity Risk Management
...Merrill Lynch Bank USA has a portfolio of revolving credit lines with about 200 ...
Linear Programming
...This is the eighth in a series of surveys of software for linear programming, ...
New Books
...This volume provides the state of the art in theory and algorithms for the ...
Life, Death and Taxes: Risk and Decision Analysis in Patient Safety
...Health care systems can be extremely complex. They consist of interacting and ...
Distinguished Speaker Award
...TIMES presents its distinguished speaker award to an outstanding academic leader...