Search Results

All search results for . 5471-5480 of 20197 results.

Arthur M. Geoffrion
...INFORMS President 1997; TIMS President, 1981-1982...

ISMS Practice Prize 2010
...COLOGNE, GERMANY, June 18. 2010 - The 2009-2010 INFORMS Society for Marketing ...

Alfred Blumstein
...INFORMS President, 1996; TIMS President, 1987-1988; ORSA President, 1977-1978...

14th Symposium for Systems Analysis in Forest Resources
...The Complex Engineering Systems Institute (ISCI), would like to invite you to ...

INFORMS Organization Science Winter Conference
...Sheraton Steamboat ResortGeneral Chair: Dan Levinthal...

Karla L. Hoffman
...INFORMS President 1998...

Thomas L. Magnanti
...INFORMS President, 1999; ORSA President, 1997...

John R. Birge
...INFORMS President, 2000...

James C. Bean
...INFORMS President, 2001...

Michael A. Trick
...INFORMS President, 2002...