All search results for . 6541-6550 of 20185 results.
Not a Trivial Matter
...For longtime INFORMS member Saul Gass, whose career in operations research dates...
Volunteerism Alive and Well
...In the afterglow of the 2006 Annual INFORMS meeting in Pittsburgh, I can only ...
Virtual, Viable, Valuable
...Virtual "futures markets" may not be virtuous judging from the recent ...
The Iraq Situation
...Democracy is two wolves and a sheep voting on what's for dinner...
Are Software Patents Harmful?
...Patents are granted to provide inventors with a limited monopoly on technologies...
O.R. Soars at Boeing
...Boeing is the world's leading aerospace company and the largest manufacturer of ...
Looking for a Job? Sounds Like an OR Problem
...Operations research professionals have solved a variety of important technical ...
The Imposter Syndrome
...I can't remember how I felt on the day of my college graduation but I do ...
Letters to The Editor
...Not Quite the Last Word...
Designing Student Teams
...This article describes the motivation, the process and the results regarding our...