Search Results

All search results for . 691-700 of 19484 results.

Employing the traveling salesman problem to optimize Pokémon Go

INFOMRS NEws: In Memoriam - Leo G. Kroon (1959-2016)
...Leo G. Kroon, a professor of quantitative logistics at Rotterdam School of ...

STEM Ph.D.s are more lucrative in industry careers than academia

Probability Management: Rolling up operational risk at PG&E
...Utility companies operate thousands of miles of pipelines carrying flammable ...

University of Arkansas recognized for academic contribution to the operations research practice

2016 INFORMS Annual Meeting guide to exhibitors
...Exhibit Hours...

Politics & Analytics: The election that confounded everybody
...In a divided nation, the unprecedented 2016 presidential election was difficult ...

Charles Flagle Interview, October 21, 1997

INFORMS News: People
...James Franklin SharpJames Franklin Sharp, chairman of Sharp Seminars in New York...

No credit history? New study says no problem
...CATONSVILLE, MD, March 15, 2016 When it comes to getting a loan even for...