M&SOM Best Paper Award

2024 Winner(s)

Purpose of the Award

Each year, the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management Society selects one paper for the Management Science Best Paper Award. This paper is deemed most deserving for its contribution to the theory and practice of operations management. 


To see the past winning papers, click on the author's name.

Click here for award application information. 

Past Awardees

2024 Winner(s)
Priyank Arora , University of South Carolina Morvarid Rahmani, Georgia Institute of Technology Karthik Ramachandran, Georgia Institute of Technology
2023 Winner(s)
Michele Samorani, Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University Shannon L. Harris, Virginia Commonwealth University
Linda Goler Blount, Black Women's Health Imperative
Haibing Lu, Santa Clara University
Michael A. Santoro, Santa Clara University
2023 Finalist
Owen Wu, Indiana University Safak Yucel, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University Yangfang (Helen) Zhou, Singapore Management University
Hongqiao Chen, School of Management & Engineering, Nanjing University Ming Hu, University of Toronto Georgia Perakis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A. Gürhan Kök, College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Koç University Kevin Shang, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Safak Yucel, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
2022 Winner(s)
Soo-Haeng Cho, Carnegie Mellon University Xin Fang , Singapore Management University Sridhar Tayur, Carnegie Mellon University, Tepper School of Business Ying Xu, Singapore University of Technology and Design
2022 Finalist
Hessam Bavafa , University of Wisconsin-Madison) Jónas Oddur Jónasson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
Gurhan Kok, Duke University Kevin Shang, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Safak Yucel, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
Joann de Zegher , MIT

Dan Iancu, Stanford University Hau Lee, Stanford University
Markus Ettl , IBM T. J. Watson Research Center Pavithra Harsha, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Anna Papush, MIT
Georgia Perakis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2021 Winner(s)
Can Zhang, Duke University, Fuqua School of Business Atalay Atasu, INSEAD Turgay Ayer, Georgia Institute of Technology Beril Toktay, Georgia Institute of Technology
2021 Finalist
Joann de Zegher , MIT

Dan Iancu, Stanford University Hau Lee, Stanford University
Santiago Gallino Antonio Moreno, Harvard Business School
Terry Taylor , University of California - Berkeley
Tim Kraft, University of Virginia León Valdés, University of Pittsburgh
Yanchong Zheng, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2020 Winner(s)
Fei Gao Xuanming Su, University of California - Berkeley, Haas School of Business
2020 Finalist
Gérard P. Cachon Kaitlin M. Daniels, Washington University in Saint Louis
Ruben Lobel, Airbnb
Terry Taylor , University of California - Berkeley
2019 Winner(s)
Ho-Yin Mak, University of California-Berkeley Long He, National University of Singapore Business School
Ying Rong, Lehigh University Zuo-Jun (Max) Shen, University of California, Berkeley
2018 Winner(s)
Michael Lim, Seoul National University
Ho-Yin Mak, University of California-Berkeley Ying Rong, Lehigh University
2018 Finalist
Gérard P. Cachon Kaitlin M. Daniels, Washington University in Saint Louis
Ruben Lobel, Airbnb
Robert Bray , Northwestern University
Haim Mendelson, Stanford University
Kris Johnson, MIT Operations Research Center Bin Hong Alex Lee, MIT Operations Research Center David Simchi-Levi , Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2017 Winner(s)
Jason Acimovic, Penn State University Stephen C. Graves, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2017 Finalist
Song-Hee Kim Ward Whitt, Columbia University, Industrial Engineering & Operations Research Dept.
Robert L. Bray, Stanford University Haim Mendelson, Stanford University
2016 Awardee(s)
Vivek Farias, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Srikanth Jagabathula, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Devavrat Shah, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
2015 Awardee(s)
Chen Peng, UBER Feryal Erhun , Cambridge Judge Business School, University of Cambridge Erik Hertzler, Intel Karl Kempf, Intel Corporation
2014 Awardee(s)
Philipp Afèche, Rotman School of Management
University of Toronto
2013 Awardee(s)
Omar Besbes, Columbia University Robert Phillips, Columbia University Business School Assaf Zeevi, Columbia University
2012 Awardee(s)
Victor F. Araman, American University of Beirut
Ioana Popescu, INSEAD
2011 Awardee(s)
Saif Benjaafar, University of Michigan Francis de Véricourt, INSEAD Jean-Philippe Gayon, Grenoble Institute of Technology
2010 Awardee(s)
Xuanming Su, University of California - Berkeley, Haas School of Business
2009 Awardee(s)
Linus Schrage, Booth School of Business
University of Chicago
Nicole DeHoratius, University of Portland Adam Mersereau, Kenan-Flagler School at University of North Carolina
2007 Awardee(s)
Martin A. Lariviere, Kellogg School of Management
Northwestern University
Jan A. Van Mieghem, Northwestern University, Kellogg School of Management