2023 Winner(s)
- K Jo Min, Iowa State University
- Jose Ramirez, Universidad Galileo
Purpose of the Award
The Moving Spirit Award has been established to recognize outstanding geographic chapter volunteers or student chapter faculty advisors who have been "moving spirits" in their chapters.
The award will be signed by the Chapters/Fora Committee Chair. A letter of congratulations, in a form suitable for sending to each recipient's superior, will accompany those awards not delivered in person. The letter of congratulations should be brief but should include the following text, together with the formal citation (if space permits) or a brief explanation of the reason(s) for the award. The certificate will be presented at the national INFORMS meetings. Awards will be shipped to those recipients unable to receive the award at the national meeting.
An account of the award, citation, recipient, and qualifying service shall be published in OR/MS Today.
Nominations Due August 1,2024
Qualifications may be satisfied by a candidate leading efforts either to form a new chapter or to reactivate a dormant chapter; chairing the local organizing committee of a new or reactivated chapter; or through long-term involvement with various chapter activities, and services to the Institute or its predecessor societies on chapter committees and/or as a chapter officer.