Management Science Best Paper Award in Operations Management

2024 Winner(s)

Purpose of the Award

Starting 2013, the award is given to the manuscript judged to be most deserving for its contribution to the theory and practice of operations management among all operations papers published in the past 3 years at Management Science. For each award, finalists were selected from among a set of nominated papers by the editorial board of Management Science, and the winners were selected by a vote of the society members.


To see the past winning papers, click on the author's name.

Click here for award application information. 

Past Awardees

2024 Winner(s)
Andrew Davis, Cornell University Blair Flicker, University of South Carolina Kyle Hyndman, University of Texas-Dallas Elena Katok, University of Texas-Dallas Samantha M. Keppler , University of Michigan Stephen Leider, University of Michigan Xiaoyang Long, University of Wisconsin-Madison Jordan Tong, University of Wisconsin-Madison
2023 Winner(s)
Ruomeng Cui, Emory University
Jun Li, Stephen M. Ross School of Business, University of Michigan
Dennis Zhang, Washington University in St. Louis
2023 Finalist
Owen Wu, Indiana University Safak Yucel, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University Yangfang (Helen) Zhou, Singapore Management University
Hongqiao Chen, School of Management & Engineering, Nanjing University Ming Hu, University of Toronto Georgia Perakis, Massachusetts Institute of Technology
A. Gürhan Kök, College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Koç University Kevin Shang, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Safak Yucel, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
Jiri Chod, University of Rochester Nikolaos Trichakis, Massachussetts Institute of Technology Gerry Tsoukalas, University of Pennsylvania & Boston University
Henry Aspegren, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Mark Weber , IBM Research; MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab

Ashish Kabra, INSEAD Elena Belavina, INSEAD, France Karan Girotra, INSEAD, France
2022 Winner(s)
Saif Benjaafar, University of Michigan Guangwen Kong , University of Minnesota Xiang Li , University of Minnesota Costas Courcoubetis , Singapore University of Technology and Design
2022 Finalist
Jiri Chod, University of Rochester Nikolaos Trichakis, Massachussetts Institute of Technology Gerry Tsoukalas, University of Pennsylvania & Boston University
Henry Aspegren, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Mark Weber , IBM Research; MIT-IBM Watson AI Lab

Kostas Bimpikis, Stanford University Shayan Ehsani, Management Science and Engineering, Stanford University Rahmi İlkılıç, Department of Industrial Engineering, University of Chile
Ruomeng Cui, Emory University
Dennis Zhang, Washington University in St. Louis
Achal Bassamboo, Northwestern University
Saed Alizamir, School of Management, Yale University Foad Iravani, Uber Freight Hamed Mamani, University of Washington
2021 Winner(s)
A. Gürhan Kök, College of Administrative Sciences and Economics, Koç University Kevin Shang, Fuqua School of Business, Duke University
Safak Yucel, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University
2021 Finalist
David Bell, Idea Farm Ventures
Santiago Gallino Antonio Moreno, Harvard Business School
Ashish Kabra, INSEAD Elena Belavina, INSEAD, France Karan Girotra, INSEAD, France
2020 Winner(s)
Fei Gao Xuanming Su, University of California - Berkeley, Haas School of Business
2020 Finalist
Yiangos Papanastasiou, University of California Berkeley, Haas School of Business
Nicos Savva , London Business School
2019 Winner(s)
Maxime C. Cohen, McGill University Ruben Lobel, Airbnb
Georgia Perakis, MIT/ Sloan School of Management
Xuanming Su, University of California - Berkeley, Haas School of Business
2018 Winner(s)
Song-Hee Kim, USC
Carri W. Chan, Columbia University Marcelo Olivares Gabriel Escobar, Kaiser Permanente Northern California
2018 Finalist
Ludwig Kuntz Roman Mennicken Stefan Scholtes, University of Cambridge, Judge Business School
Omar Besbes, Columbia University Ilan Lobel, New York University
2017 Winner(s)
Guillermo Gallego, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Ming Hu, University of Toronto
2017 Finalist
Jun Li, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Nelson Granados Serguei Netessine, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania