Best Working Paper

2023 Winner(s)

Winning material: AI Chatbots in Customer Service: Adoption Hurdles and Simple Remedies

Purpose of the Award

The best working paper award is given out annually at the TIMES Business Meeting to the best working paper in technology management, product/process innovation, business model innovation, new product development, and entrepreneurship. 

Applicaiton process:

Click here for more information. 

Past Awardees

2023 Winner(s)
Evgeny Kagan, Johns Hopkins University
Maqbool Dada, Johns Hopkins University
Brett Hathaway, Johns Hopkins University
2023 Finalist
Jingxuan Geng, Temple University Guangwen Kong , University of Minnesota Marco Shaojun Qin, Temple University
Jane Yi Jiang, University of Maryland, College Park Ken Moon, University of Pennsylvania Wedad Elmaghraby, University of Maryland, RH Smith School of Business
2023 Runner-Up
Christian Kaps, University of Pennsylvania Serguei Netessine, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania
Alp Sungu, London Business School Ali Aouad, MIT Kamalini Ramdas, London Business School
2022 Winner(s)
Bhavani Shanker Uppari, Singapore Management University Serguei Netessine, The Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania Ioana Popescu, INSEAD Rowan P. Clarke, Harvard Business School
2022 Finalist
Zhen Shao, The University of Science and Technology of China Chen Jin, National University of Singapore
Luyi Yang
Konstantinos I. Stouras, University College Dublin Sanjiv Erat, University of California, San Diego Kenneth C. Lichtendahl Jr
2022 Runner-Up
Wei Gu, University of Science and Technology Beijing Meng Li , Rutgers University Shujing Sun, University of Rochester
Kedong Chen, Old Dominion University Xiaojin (Jim) Liu, Virginia Commonwealth University Yuhong Li, Old Dominion University Kevin Linderman, Penn State University
2021 Winner(s)
Sıdıka Tunç Candoğan, UCL School of Management
Ersin Korpeoglu, Carnegie Mellon University Bilal Gokpinar, Northwestern University, Industrial Engineering & Management Science Philipp Cornelius, Erasmus University Christopher Tang, University of California-Los Angeles
Park Sinchaisri, Wharton
Hamsa Bastani, University of Pennsylvania Osbert Bastani, University of Pennsylvania
Gerrit Schumacher, Gotthardt Healthgroup
Jochen Schlapp, Frankfurt School of Finance & Management
2021 Third Place
Nil Karacaoglu, Ohio State University
Kejia Hu, Vanderbilt University
2020 Winner(s)
Sıdıka Tunç Candoğan, UCL School of Management
C. Gizem Korpeoglu, University College London, Christopher Tang, University of California-Los Angeles
2020 Runner-Up
Ming Hu, University of Toronto Yao Cui, Cornell SC Johnson College of Business
Jingchen Liu, Nanjing University
2019 First Place
Soo-Haeng Cho, Carnegie Mellon University Xin Wang, Heller School for Social Policy and Management, Brandeis University
Alan A. Scheller-Wolf, Tepper School of Business, Carnegie Mellon University
2019 Second Place
Safak Yucel, McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University Vishal Agrawal , McDonough School of Business, Georgetown University L. Beril Toktay, MIT
2019 Runner-Up
Arvind Karunakaran, McGill University
Joey van Angeren, School of Business and Economics, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam
Sinan Erzurumlu, Babson College
Karthik Ramachandran, Georgia Institute of Technology Sreekumar Bhaskaran, Southern Methodist University
Chris Kemerer Shivendu P. Singh, The University of Waikato
Narayan Ramasubbu, University of Pittsburgh
2018 First Place
Stylianos Kavadias, Georgia Institute of Technology Panos Markou, University of Cambridge Stelios Kavadias, University of Cambridge Nektarios Oraiopoulos, University of Cambridge
2018 Second Place
Ersin Korpeoglu, Carnegie Mellon University C. Gizem Korpeoglu, University College London, Isa Emin Hafalir, Carnegie Mellon University
2018 Third Place
Jiri Chod, University of Rochester Nikolaos Trichakis, Massachussetts Institute of Technology Gerry Tsoukalas, University of Pennsylvania & Boston University
Mark Weber, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Henry Aspegren, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Morvarid Rahmani, Georgia Institute of Technology Karthik Ramachandran, Georgia Institute of Technology