Search Results

All search results for . 11551-11560 of 19508 results.

Informs News: Meeting of Analytics Program Directors
...The inaugural Meeting of Analytics Program Directors (MAPD) will be held on ...

Informs News: Edelman Awards Gala
...One of the highlights of the INFORMS Conference on Business Analytics & O.R...

NBN/Biarri, 2014 INFORMS Edelman Competition Finalist
...Joe Forbes of Biarri explains how Australia's National Broadband Network (NBN) ...

Bank of America
...By Russ Labe, CAPIn November 1986, the Management Science Group was established ...

Visualizing Problems, Models and Solutions
...Presented by David B. Hoffman, University of Alaska Anchorage...

Enhancing the Guest Experience
...By Pete Buczkowski and Hai ChuIn the mid-1960s, Walt Disneys dream was to ...

2014 UPS George D. Smith Prize Presentation
...An Academic/Industry Partnership Driving the Practice of AnalyticsPresented by ...

Statistical Analysis Software Survey: The joys and perils of statistics
...By James J. Swain...

...By Arnold Greenland, CAPThe IBM Corporation has a long and deep history as a ...

Informs News: ISMS Marketing Science Conference
...The 39th Annual ISMS Marketing Science Conference will be held June 7-10 at the ...