Search Results

All search results for . 11591-11600 of 19508 results.

Oral History Interview John Little
...John D. C. Little (2014) Interview by Robert Klein, September 4, 2014. Video by ...

Analytics for a Networked World
...William R. Pulleyblank, U.S. Military Academy...

Boolean Methods in Operations Research and Related Areas
...Presented by Yves Crama...

American Manufacturing: Fading or Phoenix
...Wallace Hopp, University of MichiganBy most measures, manufacturing has been ...

2013 Wagner Prize Winner - Israel Institute of Tech, Industrial Engineering and Management & MIT
...Matching Supply and Demand via Delayed 2-Phase Distribution at Yedioth Group - ...

Analytics Certification
...Terry Harrison, Penn State and Bill Klimack, Chevron...

2014 Wagner Prize Finalist - Procter & Gamble and SAS Institute
...Statistical and Optimization Techniques for Laundry Portfolio Optimization at P&...

The Why and How of Applied Analytics at Best Buy's Consumer Insights Unit
...Scott Friesen, MBA, Sr. Director of Analytics for the Consumer Insights Unit, ...

Computational Challenges and Opportunities in Personalized Medicine
...Rapid progress in systems biology and molecular analytical platforms offers the ...

2014 Wagner Prize Finalist - Georgia Institute of Technology & CDC
...CDC and Georgia Tech: Vaccine Prioritization for Effective Pandemic ResponseWhen...