All search results for . 4571-4580 of 20202 results.
Airline Optimization
...Researchers at IBM have played a fundamental role in the development of the ...
The Show Goes On... in San Francisco
President's Award Sets Record Straight
...In a political blunder he's still trying to live down, Vice President Al Gore ...
O.R.'s Do-Gooders
...Last fall, I interviewed then-INFORMS President-Elect Cynthia Barnhart at the ...
New Books
...Automation and Production Systems: Methodologies and Applications...
WordStat 5.0
...Product Information...
Lessons in Usability and User Research
...INFORMS members know the value of research quite well. As such, during the last ...
MIT's LINC Offers Quality Education Around the World
...With today's computer and telecommunications technologies, people around the ...
Tonight's Big Story: O.R.
...About four years ago, INFORMS launched its "Science of Better" program...