Search Results

All search results for . 6221-6230 of 19507 results.

Retail Labor Scheduling
...Large retailers are increasingly recognizing that efficient labor management can...

Reminiscences & Reflections: My first taste of OR 'I Had a Helluva Big Assignment'
...In 1953, I was working at Hughes Aircraft, assigned to write specifications for ...

5th International Conference devoted to "Evolutionary Multi-Criterion Optimization"

Smart is Cheap
...The student is infuriated with me. He has come to my office hours to argue with ...

Reminiscences & Reflections: My first taste of OR 'I Had Never Heard of OR'
...Because I had one year of graduate chemical engineering education, the U.S. Army...

43rd Annual Conference of the Operational Research Society of New Zealand

12th Annual Conference of Society of Operations Management
...Society of Operations Management (SOM) announces its 12th annual conference ...

Time to Celebrate
...The logo says we're "celebrating 50 years of operations research," but...

World Congress on Nature & Biologically Inspired Computing (NaBIC 2009)

OR, Computers and the World Wide Web
...The history of OR and the history of computing have been closely tied since the ...