All search results for . 6221-6230 of 20188 results.
Evren Özkaya
Africa Puts O.R. on Trial
...When we last heard from James Cochran, he had just returned from Uruguay where ...
Big Boost for O.R. in the U.K.
...On Dec. 20, 2007, the United Kingdom's Engineering and Physical Sciences ...
Education Journal Takes Off
...Where do you find a provocative essay on the art and science of simulation, a ...
The Executive MBA
...Executive MBA (or EMBA) programs, often known as "MBA lights," have ...
David Hutton
Welcome to O.R. World
...If ever there was a sector of the economy crying out for operations research-...
Prom Night
...Spring was in the air. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, the birds...
Faramroze G. Engineer
Lessons in Web Design
...As Gary Bennett and I mentioned in the previous IOL column (February 2008), ...