All search results for . 6271-6280 of 20188 results.
Operations Research For Everyone (including poets)
...Operations researchers have now been at it for more than 65 years and have ...
William "Al" Wallace
Forecasting at Steady State?
...Many professional and casual users do explanatory and time series forecasting in...
Forecasting at Steady State? - TABLE
Richard C. Larson
What Industry Wants From O.R. Grads
...As we go "back to school" with this issue of OR/MS Today, it may be ...
Don't Shoot the Messenger
...By now, long-time readers of OR/MS Today are used to the question: If operations...
Seth Bonder
Computational Biology and Medical Applications
...In recent years the frontiers of biological and medical research have become ...
The Secret of Power
...The O.R. analyst was doing well, but still he was not content. He decided to ...