Search Results

All search results for . 6301-6310 of 19507 results.

Side Story: Meeting Message from INFORMS Leadership
...The vibrant city of New Orleans the birthplace of jazz, city of Spanish and ...

10th european Conference on Knowledge Management
...A main implication of the knowledge economy is that the only way to prosperity ...

The Right Not to Wait
...A group of O.R. analysts has developed a promising solution to the problem of ...

eth European Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation
...Innovation and entrepreneurship are tightly coupled concepts. Innovation ...

Side Story: All-Star Line-Up of Speakers
...Luk Van Wassenhove, the Henry Ford Chaired Professor of Manufacturing at INSEAD...

An Ominous Buzz
...Add one more threat to civilization as we know it, besides terrorism, emerging ...

6th International Conference on Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management and Organisational Learn
...Today, knowledge and intellectual capital plays a principal role in the delivery...

The Show Goes On... in San Francisco

2nd International Conference on Wireless Information Networks & Business Information System
...As wireless networks become ubiquitous, their security gains in importance. The ...

Excerpts from 'The Numerati'
...From the introduction...