News Releases

Press releases featuring INFORMS journal content, awards, and organization news. This content spans a variety of fields authored by a diverse and robust international community of practitioners, researchers, educators and students.

New Research Finds Popularity Distance Between a Visited Restaurant’s Location and a Person’s Hometown Biases their Online Rating up to 11%

New Research Finds Popularity Distance Between a Visited Restaurant’s Location and a Person’s Hometown Biases their Online Rating up to 11%

News Release, February 6, 2020

CATONSVILLE, MD, February 6, 2020 – Product reviews and ratings have a strong impact on consumer consideration. In restaurant reviews, new research in the INFORMS journal Information Systems Research shows that location bias, based on the popularity difference between the reviewer’s hometown and the distance to their destination, can affect a reviewers online rating by as much as 11%. 

 Likelihood of E-Book Purchases Increase 31% By Combining Previews and Reviews According to New Research

Likelihood of E-Book Purchases Increase 31% By Combining Previews and Reviews According to New Research

News Release, January 30, 2020

CATONSVILLE, MD, January 30, 2020 – New research in the INFORMS journal Information Systems Research finds that the purchasing decision of customers considering buying e-books is significantly influenced through easy access to a combination of e-book previews and reviews, resulting in a staggering 31% increase in a consumer’s likelihood to purchase an e-book. When exposed to either previews only or online reviews only, purchase likelihood is between 7 and 17%.

New Research Finds Demand for Drone Delivery in E-Retail is High, Ability to Meet that Demand Low

New Research Finds Demand for Drone Delivery in E-Retail is High, Ability to Meet that Demand Low

News Release, January 29, 2020

CATONSVILLE, MD, January 29, 2020 – Consumers want what they want, and they want it now. Drone delivery has long been talked about as an option to satisfy consumer delivery demands, but how realistic is it? New research in the INFORMS journal Transportation Science looks at how possible and desirable it is to use drones for delivery for e-retailers considering cost and effectiveness in certain population areas and in certain locations.

News Aggregator Websites Play Critical Role in Driving Readers to Media Outlet Websites

News Aggregator Websites Play Critical Role in Driving Readers to Media Outlet Websites

News Release, January 20, 2020

CATONSVILLE, MD, January 20, 2020 – News aggregators help to simplify consumers’ search for news stories by gathering content based on viewing history or other factors. Commonly used aggregators include Google News, Yahoo! News, and others. They offer links to news stories published by news outlets and save consumers considerable time and effort in finding news.

New Research Shows Live Chats Can Increase Sales by Nearly 16%

New Research Shows Live Chats Can Increase Sales by Nearly 16%

News Release, January 8, 2020

CATONSVILLE, MD, January 8, 2020 – Live chat tools allow for communication between sellers and buyers. They are popular instruments for e-commerce sites that don’t have the advantage of face-to-face communication that brick-and-mortar stores do. New research in the INFORMS journal Information Systems Research says these live chats can actually increase sales and boost profits.

New Edition of INFORMS Editor’s Cut Turns Focus from Big Data to Streaming Data

New Edition of INFORMS Editor’s Cut Turns Focus from Big Data to Streaming Data

News Release, January 2, 2020

CATONSVILLE, MD, January 2, 2020 – Streaming data is gaining in popularity thanks in part to advances in sensing technologies and imaging systems. Advanced analytics has evolved from leveraging structured and unstructured data to deriving insight and action from this new, growing data source. The latest volume of INFORMS Editor’s Cut compiles data-driven work on how streaming analytics is making its mark.

Media Contact

Ashley Smith
Public Affairs Coordinator
Catonsville, MD
[email protected]

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